<aside> 🔮 What is a “Desired Future State”?:

  1. Clear and specific articulation of some future state YOU want
  2. It’s made up (it’s a story and doesn’t exist by definition)
  3. Exciting, ambitious and comes from a place of inspiration and curiosity
  4. A choice (No must/need/should)
  5. Time agnostic (could be a minute or 10 years in the future)
  6. Not a “corporate vision statement”
  7. Don’t let the current reality limit your desired future state


<aside> đź‘€ Acknowledge the current reality by:

  1. Developing an awareness of what “is” today
  2. Accept reality as it is. (facts, over stories)
  3. Avoid judging today’s reality
  4. Don’t bring the past into the present


Key Questions âť“

  1. Where do you want to be (desired future state) in 10 years? 3 Years? 1 Year? 3 months?
  2. Where are you now (current reality)?

Objective 🎯

First, create your compelling vision for how your business is changing the world, and how you’ll know you’ve achieved it.. Describe your desired state in 10 years, 3 years, 1 year, 3 months. Your 10 year can be least specific, while your 1 year/3 month should be very specific.

Some questions to ask yourself:

Second, once you’ve created your compelling vision for each horizon, confront your current reality. No rose colored glasses. No spin. Just facts and reality. See it as clearly as possible.

Download this worksheet

dfs (1).pdf

See an example: Desired Future State Example